NEW offering for 2024 ~

As we begin a New Year, we will launch twice monthly conversations centering around a book with Pastor Wes weaving insights from scripture and inspiration.  You do not need to attend all the sessions, but there will be a thread that will run from sessions to session.

In January, we will focus on Build the Life You Want by Arthur C. Brooks and Oprah Winfrey (January 8 and 29).  In February, Hope Leans Forward by Valerie Brown (February 12 and 26).  In March, The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri Nouwen (March 11 and 25).  In April, No Cure for Being Human by Kate Bowler (April 8 and 22).  The Seventh Story by Brian McLaren (May 13).

On each of the Mondays above, we will gather at 4 pm and finish by 5:15 pm.  For more information, specific reading plan, and to register for the conversation, please contact Pastor Wes.  The event will be hybrid (in the Oasis and Zoom).

Please know we do not want to have buying 5 books be a barrier or burden.  We will have a few to loan out and scholarships are available.  I hope you will sign up with me.

Next Event

5 book covers