Your Generosity Matters
At First Congregational UCC we know that generosity comes in many forms. By investing our time, talents and treasure in the life of our church community we help to bring the message of God’s love and compassion to ourselves and the world. At the heart of our congregational giving is gratitude to God for all that we have and our desire to share our gifts with others.
Here’s What You Need to Know About Online Giving
First Congregational United Church of Christ of Sarasota uses Vanco Payment Solutions Inc. to process credit card, debit card, and direct withdrawal donations and payments to expedite and manage your gifts. Vanco handles all of the security necessary for processing the transaction and transferring the money directly into the Church’s savings account.
Contact the Collector

Online Giving FAQs
Q. What is Vanco?
A. Vanco Payment Solutions Inc. is an online service for churches and non-profits to accept payments/donations. It is a widely used and safe way for people to send money on the internet.
Q. Do I need a Vanco account to donate?
A. No – You can simply enter your payment information on Vanco’s secure website and the donation will be sent as a one-time gift to the Church.
Q. How does the church get the money I send?
A. After you complete the payment information steps, the funds are immediately deposited in the Church’s bank savings account. Both you and the Collector will receive email confirmation of the gift.
Q. Are there any fees or costs to give online?
A. The full amount you choose to donate goes to First Congregational UCC and is considered a tax-deductible gift, and the Church will pay a small fee. However, if you choose to assist the Church in paying this fee,please click the “Offset fee” button and a fee of 2 % will be added to your gift.
Q. Is my information safe and confidential?
A. Absolutely! Online giving is actually less risky than handwritten checks. An online transaction cannot be lost, stolen or destroyed. Vanco automatically encrypts your confidential information. When you give through Vanco, the Church does NOT see private information like your credit/debit card or bank account number.
Q. How is my contribution documented?
A. You will receive an email confirming and documenting the gift from Vanco. The Collector will receive an email notice of the deposit and of the amount and purpose of your gift. The Collector will use your information to record your gift for Church records. If you are a regular giver, your online giving will also be added to your year-end contribution statement.
Q. Can I designate how my donation is used?
A. Yes. If your gift is for a special purpose or Memorial Gift, please contact the Collector using the form on this page to designate how your gift is to be designated.
Q. Why do you ask me for my address and other information?
A. The information is needed by Vanco to confirm that your debit/credit card or bank account actually belongs to you. Some of the information is needed by the Church to properly credit you for the donation.
Q. Can I use a credit card to give online?
A. Yes. When using the online giving system through Vanco, you are asked to enter your credit/debit card information.
Q. What if I want to give to the Church, but still don’t want to give online?
A. You can always mail a check to the Church, designating the purpose on the “memo” line or by enclosing a note. The church can also arrange for regular Electronic Fund Transfers from your checking or savings account. Please contact the Church or the Collector for the form to be completed.
Other questions? Contact the church office or the Collector for help.