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Oasis Center

A Center for Renewal, Reflection, Nourishment and Healing

Artwork by Brenda Robinson

A Spiritual Oasis for You

Founded in 2019 ~ Shaped by 2020 and beyond ~ Prayerfully focused for what God is up to right now.

The Oasis Center is a place of reflection and renewal.  It is a sacred space of hope and healing.  Originally a preschool, the Oasis Center was blessed in 2020 just as the world shut down due to COVID.  In the summer of 2020, the world witnessed the on-going racial discrimination with the murder of George Floyd.  While these events cause our hearts to break and souls to ache, the Oasis Center seeks to respond to the stress, strain, and struggle of life today.  We believe deeply in the ministry of the Oasis Center ~ a sacred place to pause in our lives to connect to the Source of the sacred within us, between us, and around us.

If you long for healing and hope.  If you are searching for people who thirst for justice, deep conversation, and willingness for transformation.  If you hunger for a place where you can be honest about the hurt, open to God’s love, and willing to be God’s good news for the world.

The Oasis Center is for you!

The Oasis Center ministry offers opportunities for you through a variety of small groups, spiritual direction, and moments to sit silently in God’s presence.

Oasis History and Vision Video 

Current Offerings

Ready Readers

Ready Readers

Second Thursday of the Month at 12pm ~ Oasis Center and Zoom ~~  Ready Readers is a book discussion group that meets on the second Thursday of every month at noon in the Oasis Center. The books we read are chosen from a yearly list provided by the Florida UCC Women...

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Artful Prayer

Artful Prayer

Second Thursdays @ 2pm ~~ Oasis Center Looking for ways to renew your prayer practice in fun creative ways? Artful Prayer may be for you! No art experience required. A variety of fun one-hour sessions may include poetry, drawing, movement, or music centered around a...

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Drumming as a Spiritual Practice

Drumming as a Spiritual Practice

Oasis Center, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month @ 3pm ~~  We gather for a time of prayer INSIDE (due to the humidity) the Chapel.  Join us as we drum together, letting the movement of our hands and hearts be a prayer to God.  All levels of experience welcome for this...

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Sacred Conversations on Race

Sacred Conversations on Race

  Each week we gather for a holy dialogue on issues related to the realities of racism in our country, community and church.  We are blessed as a congregation with members (White, African-American, men, women, all sexual orientations) who are committed to the...

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Bible Study

Bible Study

Tuesdays @ 6:30pm - ZOOM ~~  Wednesdays @ 11am - Oasis Center and ZOOM ~~  Two opportunities weekly for you to join us for Bible Study.  Join us for an enriching journey through the Scriptures in our Bible Study sessions. Guided by Pastor Wes and surrounded by a...

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Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction

By Appointment ~~  Spiritual direction is an ancient and contemporary spiritual practice offered through the Oasis Center.  It is a spiritual practice in which the individual and a spiritual director journey together in a spirit of prayerfulness enabling the...

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The Labyrinth

The Labyrinth

Open During Daylight Hours ~~ Whoever you are, wherever you are, whatever you seek on life’s journey, you are always welcome on the labyrinth. What is a Labyrinth?  The labyrinth is an enclosed path having only one route that winds into the center.  There are no dead...

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