Maundy Thursday 6pm Service

Maundy Thursday 6pm Service

We gather around tables, just as Jesus and the disciples did, to tell the story of God’s presence in our lives.  We will sing, celebrate communion, and ground ourselves in the narrative of how Jesus’ closest friends denied, deserted, and betrayed him.
Good Friday Noon Service

Good Friday Noon Service

We gather beneath the cross of Jesus to acknowledge our brokenness and woundedness ~ both individually and collectively.  Our choir will sing during the service, and we will move from the Sanctuary out to the Memorial Garden of the Cross at the close of the...
Palm Sunday 9am Service

Palm Sunday 9am Service

We will wave our palm branches high and shout, “Hosanna!” as we enter our Holiest Week.  The choir will sing at both the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services with brass quartet from the Sarasota Opera Orchestra.  We will center our hearts and souls to prepare for each of the...
Palm Sunday 9am Service

Palm Sunday 11am Service and Livestream

We will wave our palm branches high and shout, “Hosanna!” as we enter our Holiest Week.  The choir will sing at both the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services with brass quartet from the Sarasota Opera Orchestra.  We will center our hearts and souls to prepare for each of the...