“Finding Our Song”

July 28, 2024

Book: Psalms

Scripture: Psalm 100

In Psalm 100, Pastor Wes explores the call to “sing a new song” as a way to worship and praise God. Drawing from the Psalm’s theme, Pastor Wes reflects on how creation itself is constantly singing God’s praises—from babbling brooks to rustling trees—inviting us to join in. He examines the role of music and hymns in our faith journey, acknowledging the diversity of musical expression within the church. Pastor Wes challenges the congregation to reflect on how they embody worship, praise, and blessing in their lives, and encourages them to find new ways to live and sing their faith. The sermon emphasizes the power of music as a tool for justice and unity, urging the church to embrace a diverse range of expressions in its worship and to lift every voice in song.