Two Services this Sunday 8:45 am and 11 am 🌴🙏

Due to weather Choir Rehearsal for Wednesday, September 25th is canceled! 

The Butterfly Club meeting scheduled for Thursday, September 26th morning is canceled. 

Please see the announcement below regarding the Earth’s Tapestry event on Friday and Saturday.

Please stay safe as the storm passes by today and tomorrow. 

Prayers especially for all who are in the direct path of this hurricane. 

With God’s love ~ Wes


The October Newsletter is now ready for you to read!!  

Thanks to Carol McCloud, Evelyn Crooks, and Sherry Glover for all their help and hard work.

Please click here to read.


TWO services ~

8:45 a.m. in the chapel

11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary/online

We welcome Rev. Dr. Sarah Melcher as our guest preacher 

Stephen Fancher as our guest organist/choir director. 

8:45 a.m. ~ With sunlight shining through the beautiful chapel windows, we gather to worship.  Rev. Dr. Melcher will preach on Psalm 29.

11:00 a.m. ~ Rev. Dr. Melcher will preach on Psalm 29.  The Choir will sing, “Beauty All Around Us”. 


Please click here to watch the service on YouTube

Please click here to watch on facebook

Susan Moore will be available after the 11 a.m. worship service to take photos for the online directory.  If you attend the 8:45 a.m. service and would like your picture taken, please let Susan or the church office know.  Thank you so much!

 Pastor Wes’s Morning Meditations on the Gospel of Matthew as part of our Reading the Gospel in 50ish Days  ~  You can click here to read.


Tuesday and Wednesday Bible Study Continue this Week

On Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom we are discussing Reading the Gospels in 50-ish Days.  If you are curious and want to know more, please join the zoom next week. 

On Wednesday morning at 11 a.m. sessions are talking about the prophet Isaiah.  

Our Sacred Conversations on Race will continue on Wednesdays in October at 3 p.m.  October 9 and October 23 we will be watching excerpts from the PBS Show on the History of Hip Hop Music.  


The Butterfly Club presentation for September 26, 2024 has been canceled due to weather.  


Important Announcement from Rev. Dr. Budd Friend-Jones:

The “Earth’s Tapestry” event this weekend (Friday and Saturday) has been canceled due to the weather conditions.

We will regroup with an expanded array of community groups to plan our next steps and event(s)  with Dr. Lyla June Johnston, Dr. Danielle Tumminio Hansen, the Seminole Climate Resiliency Team, and many of the same local presenters. stay tuned.  


To Register Online for this Event, please click here.


Tuesday, October 8, 11:30 am in Syster Hall
The Women’s Association and the Green Team have assembled a panel of experts on our water quality and conservation

Is our water safe to drink? How can we make it cleaner? How can we make it last? A panel discussion with:  Dr. Abbey Tyrna, Executive Director of Suncoast Waterkeepers;  Michael D’Imperio, Univ. of Florida Extension Agent for Water Resources; Dr. Dave Tomasko, Executive Director of Sarasota Bay Estuary Program
Here are the facts.  97.3% of the earth’s water is saltwater found in the Ocean.  The remaining 2.7% is freshwater, but of this 2.7% only 30.1% is ground water, that is, water we can access to drink.  The other 68.7% is in glaciers and ice sheets.  That means only .8127% of the water on the entire planet is freshwater.  That’s less than 1%, and, of course, we do not have access to all of that for drinking.  That should give us pause.
Join three experts of diverse areas of study in a conversation about our water.  From how our planet’s water got here and shaped our world, to the characteristics of saltwater and freshwater, to why the twain do not meet.  We admire water’s beauty and its bounty.  We thirst for it.  And we also fear its power, its quick ability to destroy, and its rapid warming.  Without it, shall we be like sand through the hourglass with our time running out?
All are welcome. Luncheon costs $15. Sign up after either Sunday service or call the church office at 941-953-7044.


The monthly men’s breakfast will reconvene on October 12th after the summer break.  

Doors to Syster Hall will open at 8:00 am with coffee, tea and juice being served.  Chef Clarence Rogers will prepare breakfast, which will be served at 8:30 am.   Each attendee will be asked to share, in less than 2 minutes, one life-changing event. Please register by Thursday, October 10th by calling Sherry at the church office at 941-953-7044.  Plan to come to catch up and or to meet new church friends!


Please click here to register


Wednesday, October 16 at 4:00pm we will have the first Singing Our Prayers gathering in our beautiful glass-stained Chapel led by Greg Chestnut.

We will sing simple prayers for the people interspersed with silence, meditation, and poetry in a sacred space. The Prayer Circle invites you to be a part of it and bring along others for this unique spiritual experience.  

Our Prayer Circle has grown and now consists of Linda Butler, Greg Chestnut, Sheryl Overheidt-Smith, Linda Pursley, Maggie Revere, Jane Delgado Semidei, George Taylor, and Ruth Ann Waid. 

Please click here to send a prayer to the prayer circle.



Wednesday, September 25
Wednesday Bible Study, 11 a.m., Oasis and Zoom
Sacred Conversations on Race, 3 p.m., Oasis Center and Zoom

NO Choir rehearsal please stay safe with the storm!

Thursday, September 26
Sarasota Butterfly group canceled due to the storm!

Friday, September 27
Earth Tapestry Event canceled due to storm.
Director of Music Search Team meeting, 3 p.m., Oasis and Zoom

Saturday, September 28
Memorial service for Carl Hendrickson, 1 p.m., sanctuary

Sunday, September 29 ~ Stephen Fancher, Guest Organist
Early Service, 8:45 a.m., Chapel led by Rev. Dr. Sarah Melcher
Service at 11:00 a.m., Sanctuary and Online led by Rev. Dr. Sarah Melcher
Pastor Wes begins vacation through October 2

Monday, September 30
Food and Hunger Group, 11:30 a.m., Zoom

Wednesday, October 2
Choir Rehearsal, 7 p.m., Chapel

Pastor Wes will be on vacation Sunday, September 29 through Wednesday, October 2.  Rev. Dr. Sarah Melcher will lead worship on the 29th.





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