Dr. King Sunday!! 🕯️

The service to celebrate Rev. Dr. Robert Bryant’s life will be this Sunday, January 19 at 1:30 p.m. in the chapel.  It will be on Zoom if you’d like the link, let Pastor Wes know.  

The service to celebrate the life of Karen Barber will be Saturday, January 25 at 11 a.m. in the chapel.

May God’s love and comfort embrace all who are grieving.


TWO Services this Sunday,
January 19, 2025 at
9 a.m. in the chapel
11 a.m. 
in the sanctuary/online 

We welcome Glenn Priest as our guest organist and choir director.

9 a.m. ~ In the chapel ~ Pastor Wes will guide us in honoring Rev. Dr. King, Jr. through music, readings, and reflections.
11:00 a.m. ~ In the Sanctuary and Online ~ We will listen to significant excerpts of Dr. King’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail read by Susan Moore, Lois Wilkins, and Gregg Matthews as well as brief reflections from Clarence Rogers and Sheila Gossett.  The choir will sing, “Total Praise” by Richard Smallwood.

Fellowship Time is National Pie Day ~ Did you know that January 23 is National Pie Day?  This annual event was created in the 1970’s simply to celebrate the pie. It is a day for all to cook (and eat) their favorite pies.  So we invite you to celebrate early. Bake (or if you buy a pie, we won’t tell!) your favorite pie and share it during Fellowship Hour, on January 19, after the 11 am service.  Just drop it off before the service, and we’ll plate and serve it. January 19 is also National Popcorn Day, so if you don’t like pie (who doesn’t like pie?), come and enjoy some popcorn.
 PLUS please see below for a special presentation during Fellowship by Revs. Drs. Sarah Melcher and Robert Shore-Goss.


Please click here to watch the service on YouTube

Please click here to watch on facebook

 Pastor Wes’s Morning Meditations on living our baptismal belovedness ~  You can click here to read.


January 19th  Syster Hall @ Noon “The Church as Eco-System” Robert E. Shore-Goss and Sarah J. Melcher will speak on January 19th  “The Church as Eco-System.”  We will explore the history of the land First Congregational United Church of Christ occupies, who lived there before us, how they cared for the land, and how we can live a sustainable presence and future on the land the church occupies.


Coming THIS Saturday, January 18
at 4 p.m.in the sanctuary
Mark your calendar and BRING a FRIEND!!

Baby Grand Piano ~ Yours for the taking.  Contact Dale Moore or Steve Horowitz


The sanctuary will be open for you on Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, January 20 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m..  This is a time of openness to God’s guidance and presence. 


Fellowship ~ celebrating our values of Caring and Belonging

January 19 ~Bring a PIE to share!!

January 26 ~ ANNUAL MEETING  ~ Noon ~ Sanctuary or Livestreamed This year at our annual meeting we will vote on: Financial Reports 2024, Budget 2025, Nominating Report (Leadership Team) 2025. We will celebrate the work of this past year:  Sacred Conversations on Race, Bible Study, Artful Prayer, Drumming, Choir, worship, new members, and the vital/vibrant Spirit that guides our church.  The Annual Report will be posted on the website January 12th.  Financials are available via email or in the church office. Paper ballots are available in the office to vote beforehand.  Questions?  See Moderator Harold Mezile. 

All are welcome.  

The Wayless Way Offering ~ Your Life as a Curriculum ~ NEW offering for 2025 ~ The event will be hybrid (in the Oasis Center and Zoom).  January 20th & 27th 4 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.  

As we begin a New Year, we will listen to our lives as one way God shows up. Coming up: Praying the Wayless Way (January 20th); and Listen/ Discerning God in our Lives (January 27th).  Please note, while there is a thread that will connect each week, you are welcome to attend when you are able without missing a beat.  For more information and to register for the conversation, please contact Pastor Wes.


Be the CEO of your health ~ join Lisa Kauffman, one of our snowbirds, as she shares what she has learned through a certification program on movement, sleep, food, and stress.  She will share here knowledge, tools, and confidence.  Lisa will begin with a chair yoga session and leave plenty of time for Q and A.  We will gather in Syster Hall on January 23 at 11 a.m. 


TODAY ~ Prayer Shawl Ministry ~ Wednesday January 15th 2:00-3:30pm in the Oasis Center Calling all knitters and crocheters! Come for creativity and conversation. Refreshments will be served Contact Lindsey Huddleston for more information. 

SATURDAY ~ NEXT UCC MEN’S BREAKFAST ON JANUARY 18 ~ The UCC Men’s breakfast series continues on Saturday, January 18 and all the men of the congregation are invited to join for breakfast in Syster Hall then.  Coffee will be on at 8 am and breakfast served at 8:30.   After breakfast,  Tara Maffei, Executive Director of Family Promise of Sarasota-Manatee, will share how her organization helps to ensure that children and their families have safe, stable housing.   You may register by Thursday, January 16 by calling Sherry at the church office.  We hope to see you there!  

Drumming as a Spiritual Practice  ~ Tues 1/21/25 at 3pm in the Chapel. Drums will be provided. New drummers welcome. Contact Lindsey Huddleston for more information.

Sacred Conversations on Race ~ January 22 at 3 p.m. ~ hybrid and Oasis Center.  On January 22, we will discuss Letter from the Birmingham Jail.  ALL are welcome.


COMING SOON! FILLING OUR BUCKET WITH “LOVE IS . . .” statements.  Let’s show everyone we know about love.  Take one of the red hearts from the table in the Narthex and write a brief statement.   LOVE IS . . . “never having to say you are sorry.”  LOVE IS . . . in a sweet hug.  LOVE IS . . . seeing Nancy & Betty receiving communion hand in hand.  Please help us fill our BUCKET with LOVE. You never know when or where these love notes may appear.  Please turn in your heart by January 31st.  If you want to participate but do not attend in person, please call Carol McCloud a heart will be made for you.


From our friends at St. Paul Lutheran Church:

Sunday, February 2nd ~ Noon ~ Syster Hall ~ Yoleidy Rosario-Hernandez, program director of ASALH Freedom School.  The Manasota ASALH Freedom School is a free, community-based Saturday program dedicated to enriching students’ reading and literacy skills while providing comprehensive education on Black history. She will present, “Why do we need Freedom School?  What do we teach?  Lunch will be provided.  


Women’s Association Program for Tuesday, February 4, 2025 will feature the Children’s Guardian Fund, a non-profit organization that provides funding and support for children in foster and state care in Florida’s 12th Judicial Circuit. It responds to the needs of children removed from abusive or neglectful homes, promoting normalcy and enrichment in their lives. Our presenter will be Svetlana Ivashchenko, the Executive Director, who will speak on “Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care.”  Attendees are asked to bring a Gift Card in any amount from Walmart to help the teens in transition. All are welcome. Come to Fellowship Hall at 11:30 am, enjoy lunch at 12 noon ($15), and our program at 12:30. Please sign up after church service, or call the church office, 941-953-7044. Questions? Call Terri Crawford


CALLING ALL ORIGAMI MAKERS! We need origami cranes for our Parent’s Night Event at Alta Vista School on February 20th. The directions and paper are in the outer office on the cabinet. According to Pastor Wes, “Many hands make light the work!”  (We need 100!) The little cranes will be placed in the dream-holding buckets we are providing. If you have any questions, please contact Laura Taylor or Carol McCloud. Thank you!!!   



Wednesday, January 15
Wednesday Morning Bible Study, 11 a.m., Oasis Center and Zoom
Prayer Shawl Ministry, 2 p.m., Oasis Center
Choir Rehearsal, 7 p.m., Chapel

Thursday, January 16
Bread for the World Gathering, 11 a.m., Oasis Center
Mission Team, 1 p.m., Oasis Center and Zoom
Finance Team, 3 p.m., Zoom

Saturday, January 18
Men’s Breakfast, 8 a.m., Syster Hall
Bobby Jo Valentine Concert, 4 p.m., Sanctuary 

Sunday, January 19 ~ Dr. King Sunday ~ Glenn Priest, guest organist
9 a.m. ~ Early Worship, Chapel
11 a.m. ~ Worship, Sanctuary and Online
Noon ~National Pie Day Fellowship (bring a pie to share!!)
Noon ~ Presentation by Rev. Dr. Sarah Melcher and Rev. Dr. Bob Shore-Goss
1:30 p.m. ~ Service for Rev. Dr. Robert Bryant, chapel

Monday, January 20
Sanctuary Open for prayer ~ 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Growing and Caring Team, 11 a.m., Oasis Center and Zoom
Prayer Circle Meeting, 1 p.m., Oasis Center and Zoom
Wayless Way Group, 4 p.m., Oasis Center and Zoom

Tuesday, January 21
Church Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Zoom






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